Presentation skills indispensable for success in life persistent effort is essential to master the art of effective presentation skill.  Given below are effective strategies that will help you in developing successful skills.

1) Preparation

 Presentation is important to improve successful presentation techniques and skills for successful execution of a presentation the delivery should have a definite understanding of the Expectations of the audience as well as the organizers and the time allowed to meet them you in maybe to inform,to inspire,  to persuade or to assume them.  whatever be your goal concentrate on it with all the oratorical skills at your command visualise an enthusiastic audience and the question they are likely to ask if you succeed in kindling in them your passion, your perfoperfor will be etched in their memory for long.

adult, architect, blueprint
 Preparation should commence at least a fortnight in advance. Hiten shows the formation of your team and the collection of necessary materials The Script and the handouts are to be prepared with at most K there in mind that the depth and breadth of the information that you speech is the first with will determine its quality and impressiveness emulating the manner and method of seasoned speakers on television and radio is advisable

           Arranging points in the order of their priority would help the audience to listen and respond properly in order to avoid hassle and tension meticulous planning of a practical details and Logistic is necessary a visit to the venue prior to the presentation would give you an idea about where to position the projector and how to ensure your visibility and audibility last but not the least the host is to be provided with the details about the presenter.

Audience analysis

Before the commencement of the presentation the speaker should familiarise him with the audience he should also mull over its intelligibility and benift  to listeners and empathise with them, in this way you
Can improve your effectiveness of presentation and will improve your presentation skills.

For creating successful presentation skills you will need to develop more  focus on content creation which is our next topic.

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Content creation

 Collection and creation of an authentic and accurate content that meets the expectation of the audiaudi forms the primary phase of preparation. Content can be collected from press cuttings and website on the Internet never Bank industrial volume that provides dated statistics and expressions ensure that the audience is fed with innovative ideas rather old information one should have reference to other source of information such as recent book generals and interviews and be selective accepting only the best.

      advice, advise, advisor

structuring material

Introduction middle and end constitut the Cardinal structure of presentation in the introduction the subject and objective should be put across impressively the middle dwells at length of the central theme in the conclusion the main point are reviewed followed by an invitation for people to ask questions the audience are likely to remember only this. 

How to write a presentation

The title of the presentation should be Punchy and the style simple telegraphic.  full sentence are not always neededn  passive voice should be avoided as far as possible first and second person narrative is preferable. Writing down topic heading,  subtitles , quotes etc. is the ideal thing. 

2) Effective delivery 

Taking one or two deep breaths before starting the speech improves the flow of blood to the brain and facilitates clear thinking.  During the introduction, the overview of the presentation should be given . As a connective one may use expressions such as , "now let's get down to brass tracks."And the performance commences. Speak with civility and enthusiasm at moderate speed. Reading out a script or presenting a memorized speech would only bore the audience. A face to face interaction would ,for sure impress them immensely . Identify one or two attentive listeners as "home bases " to concentrate upon while speaking . After a few second let your eyes sweep across the whole assembly. Every listener  should be tactfully made to believe that you are looking at him or her. 

         A fertile vocabulary is a must. Repetition of the central ideas is of crucial importance. Look at the wall clock rather than your wrist watch to check the time . A presentation is a journey and there should be signpost indicating the points discussed which will enable the listeners to follow the thread of the discourse . It  is advisable to signal the audience using phrases like 'in conclusion' that the speech is about to end . Never forget to recap your points as you sign off.
 this will ultimately help you to improve your successful presentation skills.     

    Audio - Visual Aids 

   A presentation can be made more effective through  suggestive pictures , maps, models and graphs. These will illuminate the thought processes and restore the flagging interest of the audience. This is a very effective presentation skill one should do. Audio- Video aids also include over headed projectors , slides, films,and video, chalkboard, magnetic board, and clip on microphones that facilitates movements.    
         while using visual aids , the presenters ,should also see to it that the articles like extensions leads, pointers, chalk, duster etc are at hand. Standing to one side and using a pointer , he can draw attention to various items on the illustrations. However, never forget that you yourself are the most powerful visual with your self-assurance and inspiring appearance .

Four People Holding Blue Puzzles


Body language

It is not through words alone that communication takes place. Your posture, gesture, facial expression, eye contact and an elegant dress also contribute a lot. The audience being critically watchful, you should mount the platform at a cheerful, brisk pace. Look confident and scan the audience with a winsome smile. Eye contact , signaling the opening of the communication, function also as a feedback strategy to assess the attitude of the audience.

     Stand tall keeping the hands on the sides , never in the trouser pockets. Position yourself 8-10 inches away from the lectern mike and speak naturally and animatedly. Use gesture pointing to the points that are to emphasized , expansive gestures from the shoulders  rather than from the elbow will be quite motivating. However, gesture are to be used sparingly.

Close-up Photo of Man Wearing Black Suit Jacket Doing Thumbs Up Gesture
Pauses augment the powerfulness of the presentation creating suspense and a general air of expectancy in the audience. They are to be used while introducing statistics, quotation,stories and joke. Pauses also enable the speaker to organize his thought and audience, to assimilate the main theme.

Voice modulation

  Voice speak much more than words.  variation in pitch, fluency in delivery, rhythm and enunciation enhances the expressiveness of a performance . your voice is reflection of your confidence or the lack thereof. See that the tone of the presentation is in tune with your intent.

    speaking with fluency is a very effective presentation technique, and if you master it then you are ready for a successful presentation.

  Online presentation

Digital presentation are a key tool for communicating idea and information to customers, stakeholder and a variety of target groups. For two decades, the often quoted acronym ppt (for Microsoft power point) has been the forerunner of presentation software. It is versatile, easy to use, compatible with Windows Word, Excel, and others.Text, data and graphical representations merge seamlessly into the ppt. Professional have now begun to look circumspectly at the static nature of the content in such presentation. the coolest that a ppt can get to being online is by displaying appropriate web references and shuffling between hyper-links in the content.

   Of late, several new applications have come up, their key feature  is that presentation can br archived, tracked and shared on the web. For instance , in a presentation, stock quotes can be instantly drawn from the net or audience feedback be integrated.

adult, books, business

      Online presentation are here to stay, offering current information and content to discerning audiences. The coming digital age is likely to witness a boom in such presentation which draw more from web resources. 

Behind of woman gesturing
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Last impression , they say, is the lasting impression. To ensure this a classy conclusion is indispensable. Recaps, punchy quotes and dramatic anecdotes ensure a memorable conclusion. Preparation and delivery , the two vital components of an effective presentation; are to be fastidiously improved upon so that your next performance excels the previous ones.

These were some of the effective presentation tip which will help you for a successful presentation.



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